Rural & Migrant Ministry has been on the cutting edge of offering creative and effective programs that support young emerging leaders within rural New York for over thirty-five years.
Each of the programs has been created, and carried forth, by young leaders. In turn, the programs form a network across New York that helps members connect to each other, resources, allies and opportunities. The programs are unique, and in some cases nationally recognized. More importantly, they assist young people as they develop the skills and understandings to build their power and work for change.
This is essential as they face the challenges of rural New York. Our young leaders are overcoming immense obstacles. In addition to many of the traditional barriers of racism, adultism and poverty, many are first generation immigrants, and face language and cultural barriers. Often their parents are unfamiliar with the political and education systems, and that, combined with language barriers, makes. it difficult for them to be allies to their children within these systems. There are also the realities of living in rural New York State, where there are few resources, little public transportation and a deep isolation.
For more than 30 years, RMM has welcomed children, ages 8-17, from across rural New York to a one-week overnight camp. Along with our Summer Day Programs, young leaders get to meet RMM, and we get to meet them.
The Youth Arts Group (YAG) is a program for young people in the Hudson Valley that uses the arts to bring about change.
The Youth Economic Group (YEG) was founded by young people in the Catskill mountains in 2010 to help them develop economic security while also working for economic justice.
The Justice Organization of Youth (JOY) offers presentations to schools, community events and congregations across New York by performing original Theatre of the Oppressed pieces.
Voices of Long Island Youth (VOLIY) is RMM’s newest high school Youth Empowerment group. Utilizing podcasts as their medium, VOLIY works to bring about change in our society.
RMM works hard to support the dreams and opportunities of the members of the Youth Empowerment Program through two scholarship programs.
The Youth Economic Group (YEG) manages its own cooperative business, Bags for Justice. Members design images and silkscreen them onto shirts and tote bags. Members learn essential life skills that include: public speaking, marketing, time management, communication, design and silkscreen production. The bags are sold around the state at many events. Bags for Justice is also proud to be an affiliate of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT).